misty and snowy image of a mountain and chairlift

where passion
meets expertise

start your adventure

we forge memories with every adventure on the mountains

join our private ski and snowboard school nestled in the breathtaking Niseko area of Hokkaido, Japan. Our tailored lessons and expert guiding products are crafted to deliver an unforgettable experience, unlocking the full potential of your snowsports journey.

The full mountain adventure

Niseko - Premium Full Day Lesson

- 6.5 hours on snow, including a 30 min break for lunch.

- Personalised coaching based on your skill level and goals.

- Door-to-door transfers from your accommodation to the resort

¥110,000 (¥121,000 in High Season)

morning or afternoon

Niseko - Premium Half Day Lesson

- 3 hours of expert instruction

- Personalised tips and exercises to enhance your skiing/snowboarding proficiency.

- Door-to-door transfers from your accommodation to the resort

¥64,000 (Not available in High Season)

Beyond the boundaries

Fully Flexible Full Day

- Engage in 6.5 hours of expert-guided exploration

- Embark on a dedicated trip to the mountain of your choice (excludes Niseko Village)

- Explore the "First Class" experience of ultimate flexibility for your skiing or riding experience.

¥130,000 (¥143,000 in High Season)

Our expert instructors

Our team of experienced and passionate snow experts are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of instruction and guidance. With a deep love for snowsports and a wealth of knowledge, our instructors are here to elevate your skills, boost your confidence, and create unforgettable moments on the mountain.

meet the team
team photo of next stage snowsports in the snow




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Stay up to date on our lessons, availability, and special offers by following us on Instagram and Facebook.

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